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The Importance of Having a Detailed Estate Plan in 2020

Mon, Mar 02, 2020 at 9:05AM

The Importance of Having a Detailed Estate Plan in 2020

You may have heard recent news headlines about celebrities who passed away and either never created a will, or didn’t keep end-of-life documents up to date. This same scenario plays out with families across the country every day. Now, loved ones may not be provided for in the way that was intended, and in some cases disagreements and outright feuds might occur.

Thankfully, you can avoid that fate by establishing a detailed will and keep it up to date as the years pass by. Plus, when you partner with a dynamic wills attorney in Daytona Beach, you get the peace of mind that your legally-binding estate documents are thorough and comprehensive. Here are some of the most important reasons for having a detailed estate plan this year:

Ensure Your Last Wishes are Carried Out

As mentioned, your will and other documentation are the keys to being sure that your last wishes will be expressly carried out once you pass away. Here’s where you can detail the distribution of assets, name a guardian for minor children and/or dependents, dictate what happens to a business you own in whole or part, and similar.

If you’ve been divorced or suffered the loss of a spouse, your estate planning documentation should also reflect these life changes. When all of this sounds overly-complex and even overwhelming, it doesn’t have to be. A trusted and reputable estate planning attorney in Daytona Beach can help you make sense of this and other essential legal provisions.

Provide for Loved Ones

Some people think that when they die, funds and needed items will automatically be provided for loved ones left in their wake. That’s not always true. In fact, without proper estate planning documentation, your family and friends could be left in the lurch.

In other cases, folks don’t move ahead with writing a will or planning their estate because they think such tasks are only for the very rich. In fact, everyone can and should have a firm estate plan in place.

In addition, not planning at all for end of life outcomes could put undue burden on your family. As loved ones are grieving, they could be forced to answer questions or face dire situations due to the absence of a legally-binding will. Why create trouble and consternation in that way? Your dependable Daytona Beach wills lawyer can answer all of your questions, and also provide insight and guidance that you might not have previously considered.

Get It in Writing

Along with drafting a detailed will, you should also be sure to keep it updated as life progresses. Include any major life changes such as marriage or divorce, the birth of a child, death of a loved one, creation or dissolution of a business, and similar. Your attorney can provide valuable assistance all along the way.

In fact, for more than 40 years, we’ve served countless people just like you across Central Florida. Along with estate planning, we also specialize in guardianship, real estate law, and probate in Holly Hill and throughout the region. Contact us today get started on a thorough and legally-binding estate plan.

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